The children who come to us are orphaned, abandoned or displaced. Some of them are in foster care and, in many cases, will remain with us until they age out of the orphanage.
Our prayer is that all these children find in us a home where they experience God’s unfailing love.
Next year we hope to build a second orphanage at the Kiley Stuesse Mission Center just outside of Cusco. This area of Peru has one of the highest levels of child abandonment in the country.
Things don’t end here. Upon aging out of our orphanages, every child receives a scholarship to our Life & Work program. And upon graduation from Life & Work, they are also offered an opportunity to join our newest program - NEXT STEP.
NEXT STEP is our newest ministry. It is designed to support Life and Work graduates who work and study in Cusco. We help them get on their feet by providing them a place to stay and a family to encourage and guide them.

"My favorite thing about being here is how many kids there are to play with!"
Maria, 9
"What I like most is climbing the trees and picking the fruit."
Frank, 11